Counselling approach

A strong therapeutic relationship is at the heart of success in therapy; I have an integrated approach – working with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and  Compassion Focused therapy. The aim is to provide a tailored approach for each person that comes to see me.

Kate Mollison

With a background as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and coach, I am able to offer compassionate and effective insights to help you make the changes that you want to make.

Contact & Location

Appointments available on weekdays in In Hyndland road – in west end.
 Tel: 07887 641 535

How to use a thought diary to challenge unhelpful thoughts/ beliefs

One of the best ways to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs is by using a thought diary.  It’s a strategy that helps to get rid of beliefs that you have about yourself that are less than helpful.  It might feel a bit awkward or self conscious  to write down your thoughts, however, the […]

When counselling can help with relationships

When life is good it can be even better when there is someone to share it with, to enjoy successes, celebrate, have a laugh and relax with. And when life isn’t going so well, it’s often easier to deal with disappointment, drama, disaster and loss when there is someone there who cares about us. Having […]

Thinking about your thinking – stress relief with CBT

If you are generally a reasonable, intelligent, lovely person, but, sometimes you find yourself responding to certain situations or people in less than reasonable, intelligent or lovely ways, then you are not alone!  When it feels as if you have been invaded by aliens or rabid dogs you are probably not functioning from your […]

How do i know if I’m depressed?

Over the past few weeks, several clients have been surprised on completion of a Becks Depression Inventory, that they were in the category of ‘clinical depression’; they also acknowledged that ‘feeling bad’ had gone on for quite a while, and that they wished that they had done something about it sooner. If you google Becks […]

Counselling can help you change for the better

Being able to deal with change is essential to our happiness.  Most of us are good at some aspects of it, and not so good at others. We might be early adopters of technology, and eagerly welcome the latest version of iphone, blackberry, ipad, android tablet or laptop. The benefits of which means that we […]

Negative Automatic Thoughts

How our thoughts can influence our mood? Much of our thoughts occur automatically, which is a good thing, as we don’t generally have to work too hard to do daily or routine tasks like getting up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, getting to work etc.  And, it can be a bad thing, because they are so […]

on parenting

If a child lives with criticism it learns to condemn If a child lives with hostility it learns to fight if a child lives with ridicule it learns to be shy if a child lives with shame it learns to be guilty if a child lives with tolerance it learns to be patient if a […]

A Brief Introduction to CBT

ABC of CBT Despite the ongoing publicity and debate around CBT as a treatment of choice for depression, anxiety and other mental health issues,  it is not a new fad, or latest trend in counselling and therapy.  It is an established and evidence based set of therapeutic practises, that has integrated ideas and theories from […]

How to bounce back from anything

The reason for writing this blog is to provide ongoing support to current and past clients, and anyone struggling to develop a more resilient mindset to deal with life’s challenges. If I haven’t worked with you, I have 15 years counselling experience, as well as psychological wellbeing, life coaching and training, both in the NHS […]

CBT & Person Centred Therapy – Towards an Integrated Approach

I started my journey as a counsellor in a breeze block outhouse in Stirling University in 1978, the home of the student volunteer counselling service, known then as ‘Niteline’. Most of us were psychology students, equipped with good intentions, insomniac tendencies and a willingness to help. In exchange we got free tea and biscuits and […]

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